With You, For You

Growth & All Things Self

And The Internal Dialouge That Comes With It

It Doesn’t Always Make Sense

We’ve all been living in a world where whether we realize it or not, we have been conditioned to accentuate the negative situations and downplay the positive ones. Think about how much attention you give something that you don’t like when it comes your way, how much you think about it and feel negativity towards it. Once you start making a conscious decision to make change, you begin to take responsibility for yourself and your life.

Easier said than done of course, but it is life changing. This can mean many things, instead of getting upset or angry when a situation occurs, you may practice taking a step back and asking yourself, what can I learn from this, what can I take from this?

Your entire world will change when you fully trust in the fact that nothing in this life is happening TO you, and everything in this life is happening FOR you. Because of the way we’ve gone through the world thus far, we are underlying in a base of fear. Things happen in this life, things that can feel really shitty, things that are injustice and unfair and that just don’t make any fucking sense.

Because of what we’re used to, we attach negative emotion and react to this because it triggers us. Somewhere in the history of our lives, we have felt this emotion, whether it be fear, betrayal, anger, anxiety, etc. In these moments, you must gain back your power and remember who you are. You have to have faith just as much in these moments as you do when everything is going right, if not more.

Your mind will make every assumption in the book, every negative comment, point out everything bad that’s happening, if you give it power over you. You know better, you are stronger and more powerful than this, why are you believing the mind that’s just caught up in a mix of negativity instead of talking yourself through it peacefully? If you have faith, then remember that faith now, remember that everything is happening for you to make you, grow you, push you, heal you, shift you, into the highest version of yourself, the person you are meant to be.

Remember back to all you’ve experienced in life, remember those god awful situations that you just couldn’t understand why that was happening ‘to’ you. Look at how you made it, every single time. You being here right now is proof that nothing has ever taken you down before. How did these situations help you grow? Did they teach you something, help you realize, give you an idea, help you heal through a past wound, push you to make a change in your life?

If you look for negative things I promise you will find them. Work on putting that energy towards something beneficial and ask yourself these questions. Sit down and talk it through with yourself. You’re never going to understand anything if you don’t have a conversation with yourself and express emotions, ask questions, and be honest with how you feel and what you want to change.

I don’t care who says talking to yourself is crazy, no other person on this planet knows your life better than you, has spent more time with you, understands you to the depths that you do. You’ve been there every night you’ve gone to bed and early morning you’ve awakened. You’ve been there for your worst days and best days, you know how you feel. Why should you be ashamed to hear what you have to say?

Often times our mind is so loud and preoccupied with the thousands of thoughts we get a day, we can’t even hear ourselves, and let me tell you, when you start listening, you know exactly what you are supposed to do, you have the answers that you think so desperately you need from other people. There is nothing you can’t do, you’re more powerful than you know.

One response to “It Doesn’t Always Make Sense”

  1. JanicheLee Avatar

    I’m so proud of myself for doing this, even though I feel scared, even though that inner voice comes in, I am showing up. And I am proud.