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Personal regrets. We look within and do the work we can to heal and want to live in the most understanding way, but there might still be a regret or two lingering around in there, hiding behind some dark corner, trying to go unseen.
I have become quite familiar with a few of mine, I’m working on befriending them, allowing them to exist. You know what the craziest thing is? On the contrary of what most people expect, none of my regrets come from the things that I’ve done, the people I interacted with, or the mistakes that I have made. No, none of that, my regrets, come from the things I didn’t do. My regrets lie within knowing I have something I want, something my soul calls me towards, something that might feel out there and crazy but I, for some god damn reason, feel like that’s the direction in which I am supposed to go, and not going for it as soon as humanly possible.
If I’m lucky, one day I will grow old. I will notice my body changing in ways that it hasn’t before. I will look different, move differently, and think differently. And I truly believe in my heart of hearts, that I won’t regret a single thing I did. Each crazy spontaneous action that all led me to the magic that is my life, it was all divinely guided.
What I work towards everyday, no matter how scary it feels, how uncomfortable it makes me, or however ‘unready’ I feel, is to make sure that I don’t look back wishing I had done more of the things that lit my soul on fire and lifted me up and made me feel alive. I want to make sure that I live a life full of joy and fulfillment and adventure and sometimes that is going to mean getting out of my own fucking way and following what may look like to others as the ‘unconventional path.’
I have made peace with the fact that I was not born to be a conventional person, not everyone will approve and that is not my problem to solve. What does however, lie in my hands, is the full responsibility of my life, stepping into the fullness of who I am. Hearing my intuition when she roars and following my internal compass that says ‘this way my darling, here lies the gold.’
No one’s path will look exactly like yours because you have a unique and special magic about you that no one else attains, and that, my dear, that is what makes you, you. You can make every excuse in the book, you can say you don’t have time or you’re too busy, too scared or you’re not ready. But the truth is, you won’t make up one day with more time or less fear or a feeling of ‘I’m finally ready.’ The concept of waiting until you feel ready is bullshit. The reality is that ready is a choice that nobody but you can make.
You live your life however you see fit, but I will not be getting to the end of mine wishing I had done more of the things that I love.